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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

First Baby Dream

This morning after Curt went to work I crawled back in the warm bed and tried to lay still and concentrate on if I could feel my baby move. Well I never did, unless I just can't tell. I am 18 weeks and 5 days, and sometimes by now you can feel the baby swimming around in there.

I guess I must have fallen asleep because I had my first baby dream (which stopped when Curt called me on the phone to see if I was awake). It was a little strange. I was in current time, meaning it was really Feb 15. Well we were talking about how we couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby, when the phone rang. It was the hospital it was time to pick up our baby.

When we got there I was a little disappointed because she was a day old, and that meant she would have her birthday on Valentine's day and it is a pain to have it on any holiday! Also she was supposed to be born in July, and now she would have a winter birthday instead of a summer. This was Curt's and my biological baby, but I didn't go into labor, we just picked her up from the hospital and I wasn't pregnant anymore. So no labor for me Too bad it doesn't really work like that!!

Anyway we got her home and she wasn't acting like a normal baby. She was a genius. Since she was so early I couldn't breastfeed her so I gave her a bottle. So I was talking to her and said "do you want your bottle?" and she said "want your bottle." She couldn't talk on her own, but she could repeat parts of whole sentences. Also she didn't just lay still like a normal baby but was already turning over and trying to crawl. When I told Curt about my dream he was like "yeah she must get the genius from your side of the family" Anyway I am in a great mood because I had my first baby dream!!!

I've had the craziest dreams about everything and even strange "sex dreams" but in ever pregnancy book I've read that is normal. ONLY A WEEK UNTIL WE FIND OUT THE SEX! Maybe it really is a girl... and she was just trying to let me know everything is ok and she is a girl! LOL! I wish it worked like that.

My Mood : Floatin on Cloud 9! Now Playing : silence, with Jadie sleeping on my lap

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