So today I had my appointment/childbirth class. I REALLY love where I am going. I look forward to my appointments. It is just so cool to have everyone in there that is due the same month as us. Everyone is experiencing the same things. I also had to take my diabetes screening today... which everybody else does next month, I am just special like that I get mine early... course it doesn't help that my grandparents all have diabetes. Woo hoo! Did I when the genetic lottery or what! kidding...
Anyway, I was a little disapointed that this one girl wasn't there. I really like her and she is the one I was hoping to become friends with outside of class. Last time her Grandma was REALLY sick in the hospital so I hope she is ok. I want to know what she is having because she wanted a boy.
Man Lucas is really kicking like crazy these days! I can't beleive he is due in 3 months and 3 weeks! I have 16 weeks there and I am 60% of the way there! I am 6 months pregnant!! It just seems like I just found out I was pregnant. (What a HUGE surprise that was) Now I am sitting here feeling the baby kick and wondering who he will look like and I know this sounds really shallow... if he will be cute or not...
I know looks don't matter. (at least to the parents) and it is more important to be a nice person and all that... but I jsut don't want to be one of those parents who thinks their baby is the most gorgeous baby in the world and it looks like that gallum guy from lord of the rings. My cousin Davia and I have had long discussions about this! HA HA! We promised if either one of us had a funny looking kid we would tell the other one just one time and never mention it again. (this was about a year ago when we weren't expecting to have any babies for a long time). You know I really miss all my Cali family. I wish we all lived closer. Davia is a doll, I have always looked up to her. We can not talk for a LONG time and then when we see each other we have the best time.
Tomorrow I am going to my brother's house to watch my nephews Matthew (12) and Shane (3). Lisa (their mom) is in Texas with Colby (1) and she is visiting her family. So while Ted is working I am hanging out with the boys. I am excited. They always make me laugh! It is so funny how different each one is and when I spend time with them now I wonder about my own kid.
Today I got a lot done. I washed some clothes, made dinner, and steam cleaned the living room. I am starting to get more into this cleaning thing. Everyone who knew me growing up knows I wasn't the neatest person... so I am having to teach myself to clean... and it isn't even a woman's work type of thing. Like Curt isn't the type of guy that expects his dinner made and his house clean (thank God!) so when I do something he is impressed.. ha ha! Maybe because he has a slob side too. There is hope though! I've been doing pretty good with the dishes too. I plan on washing the dinner ones before I go to bed tonight and try not to stay up too long because I am going over to Ted's after Curt leaves for work (about 7am).
My Mood : Happy Now Playing : watching ABC's Vacation Swap
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