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Friday, March 25, 2005

I am tired shouldn't have stayed up playing Sims Busting Out

So my friend Brandi has started her own little web blog. Reading it I realized she really is an amazing writer. She is funny and witty and it makes me not want to write in my plain jane web journal... or any journal, but then my Ebay feedback rating is higher then hers :-P LOL!

Seriously though yesterday I spent the day playing Mom to Matthew and Shane. Now I can see why Lisa is stressed all the time. Well I can only imagine, plus add into that equation Colby who is with her in Texas and how does she do it? They weren't bad kids at all... they are "normal boys" (as my mom said one time about Matthew when he was little and we all repeat this joke about anything related to the boys). I guess I just never realized it because before when I babysat I was hanging out with my cute funny nephews, and now every move they made had me thinking about my future as a mother.

The highlights of the day included Shane hysterically screaming and freaking out when he saw a bug. Man my brother wasn't kidding the night before when he said Shane was scared of bugs! I just wouldn't think he would be, he is such a rough and tumble little kid who loves to get dirty. I would have thought he would be the kid that keeps bugs in a little plastic cage and gives them names. NOPE! I swear when I heard him scream and crash into a suitcase that was in the living room (I had loaned it to Lisa to go to Texas but she didn't need it)... I think Shane was trying to hide in it, I thought he had fallen somehow and was bleeding. Nope, I ran in just in time to see the bug scurrying across the living room floor. Poor guy.

Matthew who takes piano is supposed to practice 30 minutes a day. Well he the second he started playing Lucas started kicking. It was the coolest thing, until I realized it might last the entire 30 minutes he was practicing and decided to go to the other room so Lucas wouldn't kick my insides for 30 minutes.

My mom showed up at 2:38 to watch the boys and let me go home. She was supposed to come at 4:30. I was grumpy when she came though, because she just showed up. I know she was doing something nice but for some reason I still was in a pissy mood I don't know why. Maybe it was becase it was during Starting Over, one of my favorite TV shows, and the first time all day the TV had been on. The rest of the day I was a good babysitter and interacted with the kids.

Yeah that must be why I was annoyed... because she started asking a million questions, "What are you watching?" "What is it?" "What channel is it on?" "Who was your centering class?" "How many people were there?" I gave her short rude answers, I didn't mean too... she is my mom though and she still loves me. I finished watching Starting Over then headed for home.

First I stopped by the grocery store to get milk, and the other basics like that. Curt called to talk and usually I would love to talk to him, but I was still grumpy. It is rare he has anytime to call me during the day but I just didn't feel like talking. Plus I always feel dumb talking on my cell phone in a public place.

By the time I got home I was in a better mood... not sure why. I guess I just decided to get over it... or maybe my grumpy pregnancy hormones switched to sweet person hormones. In centering the other day we talked about how you and your baby are connected... when you feel upset it upsets him... blah blah blah... which I think is true. So I know I am a nagger and a yeller! Only really at my poor sweet husband... I am talking about the little things.... so I decided to make "don't sweat the small stuff" my personal mantra and the last two days I haven't been nagging. Curt is happier, which I'm in a good mood because he isn't grumping back at me and he is more cuddly and sweet to me. Also when I am not yelling or nagging it seems he does all the stuff I yelled about on his own... wow who would have thought! LOL!

The last random thing is that last night I was watching Making the Band 3 on MTV... why? I don't know I just was. Anyway P. Diddy/ Puff Daddy, whatever he calls himself now is trying to put together a pop super group. Well they were doing auditions in Atlanta for the show and the cameras show the crowd of people and stop on one girl with braids that I recognize... and the next thing I know she is saying something like "Hey Diddy, I am Iman and I'm going to take over the world or something." and I realize yup it is her! She was a year younger then me in high school and she played volleyball with me. She drove me crazy! Not that she was a super bitch, she just had this attitude like she was the greatest thing ever and she just had an attitude. It was just her personality. Well I guess she didn't get on the show. (Which I figured) since I saw her walking around the mall about a month ago. We weren't enemies but weren't friends... we just knew each other because we were on the same sports team.

Anyway I am going to wrap this up. I am sure I have something else productive I could be doing.

My Mood : sleepy Now Playing : emergency buzzing from the TV about a thunderstorm

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