Today I needed to go grocery shopping so I decided to check out the brand spanking new Kroger that is less than 3 miles from my house. I usually shop at Super Walmart (too crowded but pretty cheap) or Food Lion (expensive and the store is tiny so they don't have a lot of selection but easy to get in and out and closer to us.)
When I walked in a knew I would like it. The first thing I saw was a Starbucks (with a sign up that said Open Thanksgiving... Which I think is kind of wrong) and I got in line for a cup of over priced peppermint flavored caffeine. It was heaven! The Kroger was huge and every one was so nice. I didn't get to stay as long as I wanted because it was close to Lucas' nap time and he just wasn't having it!
Before we left we did go down the baby aisle and I saw the cutest little puppy dog baby toy that I just couldn't resist. It rattles and each of his paws have a surface for chewing and his ears make a crinkle sound. Finally a dog Lucas can chew on!
Lucas fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and as I was driving out of the parking lot I noticed that this Kroger had a gas station and gas was $1.91!!! So I filled up even though I already at least 3/4 of a tank full.
As we were pulling up to the house my mom called to see if we wanted to go to lunch with her and my Grandma. So I left Lucas sleeping in the car and I took the groceries in and drove over to my parents house. So he did get in his first nap but it wasn't as long as it would have been. Lunch was nice but Lucas didn't like everyone else eating except for him. By the time we got home he had missed his second nap and was so tired that he refused to take one.
I put him to bed at 8:00 and he was not a happy camper. He started screaming when he figured out what was going on. The second I started reading him Guess How Much I Love You, (the book I read every night to him) he stopped. He waited until I finished the story to start back crying. He finally fell asleep a few minutes later. He did wake up after 30 minutes to nurse. (He was so tired and fussy he really hadn't nursed very well before going to bed) I just put him back in his crib to go to bed and I think I will head off to bed pretty soon myself.

That schedule is so importnant BUT you need alife too.
ohhh gas is 1.91 its still 2.39-2.49 here
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