Curt's body, Jadie, Max, and Bob (Curt's Dad)

So we took Jadie with us to have Thanksgiving at Curt's Dads house. It was nice to see everyone. At first Jadie was scared of Max but by the time we left they were starting to become friends. Max didn't mind Jadie except when Bob gave Jadie some of Max's treats. Max and Jadie were too busy with each other that they didn't pay any attention to Lucas. Lucas didn't seem to mind much because he had plenty of Grandma's, Aunts, Uncles, a Grandpa, and a cousin to keep him occupied.
Lucas' cousin Steven was too cute. He has been asking to hold Lucas every time they see each other. The last few times we have always been at a restaurant and his Mom (Sam) would tell him that he could the next time we were at someone's house so he could sit on the couch. He held him long enough to get his picture taken and then handed him right back because he was crying. I guess he didn't mind too much since he asked if Lucas could spend the night with him one night. Too Cute
On the way home Curt and I talked about how busy we were going to be these next few Sundays. Next Sunday is our nephew Colby's 2nd Birthday Party, then the 11th is my Grandma's Surprise 80th Birthday Party(Dec 12 is her and Curt's Birthdays), then a Sunday with no plans, then it is Christmas, and finally my 24th Birthday on New Years Day (this year has got to be better than last year because no matter what there is little chance that I will be Pregnant with the flu KNOCK ON WOOD OF COURSE)
*Oh and and answer to Brandi's questions in the last post.
Question 1
Hampie cookies are called that because my Great Aunt Hampie would bring them to EVERY family gathering we had before she passed away a few years ago. They are really simple to make but when you bring them somewhere everyone is always impressed! (I took 30 cookies with me to dinner and before we even sat down to eat dinner there was only 1 left and I was told I should have brought more) There are four ingredients: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Bark, Marshmallow Cream, and Crackers (Like Ritz).
All you do is spread PB on one cracker and marshmallow cream on the other (you can spread them on the same cracker ...like you would if making a PB & J sandwich the RIGHT way... but it goes faster if you have one person in charge of PB and one on Marshmallow duty) and make a sandwich. Then you melt the chocolate and dip in the cracker sandwich and then place on wax paper to harden. It is the perfect blend of sweet and salty!
Question 2
You would never use both Jelly AND Cranberry sauce, only one OR the other and the cranberry goes on the same side of the sandwich as the peanut butter OF COURSE!
Well it DOES go on the SAME side
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