Only once in his whole 16 weeks of life has he EVER fallen asleep in his bouncer... Since that one time he has NEVER stayed in it for while it was vibrating...Or kept on his slippers Michael gave him for more than 5 minutes.... That is until today. Usually his bouncer is a place of eating... eating toys and baby food. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I had Godspeed playing over and over on iTunes without realizing it.
On top of that I just figured out you can search for a word or phrase within my blog at the top of the screen and it pulls up all the entries. I just entertained myself for 10 minutes typing in random words and people's names and seeing how often I mentioned them...
When I get time I'm going to entertain myself. That sounds fun.
I can blog look at me im a BLOGGER your best uncle jimmy
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