Matthew and Lucas. Ted and Lisa's couch is PERFECT for Lucas to sit up by himself. Lucas adores Matthew. Matthew has two little brothers (Colby and Shane) so he has tons of practice with little ones and he is a GREAT older cousin. He is always reading to Lucas and talking to him. Last night on the way home from seeing Santa Lucas was tired and grumpy. Matthew let Lucas hold one of his hands and kept giving Lucas back the pacifier with the other. He calmed Lucas down and before we were even back to my parents house Lucas was asleep.

Today we took Lucas to his first birthday party. His cousin Colby was celebrating his second birthday. He had a lot of fun watching the little kids and he loved all the attention from his cousins, especially Matthew. We had a really good time. I didn't get any cute pictures of the birthday boy because I was video taping Colby blowing out his candles. I didn't mind because it let Ted and Lisa focus on Colby. Curt was really great too. He kept feeding Colby who only really seemed interested in the food on Curt's plate. Curt loves being around the boys though because it gives him a preview of what life will be like when Lucas is walking and talking every second of every day.
1 comment:
Thanks Video Camera Lady. Thanks to Curt who fed Colby too. He wouldn't have eaten otherwise. Thanks for the new (My favorite Bibs) I love them.
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