Tonight I was putting Lucas to bed and he was crying. Since Brandi seems to enjoy pictures of him crying I snapped a picture (that sounds bad, I don't think Brandi enjoys upset Children).

Instantly he stops crying. What a change from his first weeks when the camera flash would make him cry!

Curt helped with getting Lucas ready to take a bath tonight. While I got his bath ready I asked him to rub a few drops of oil on his head because he is starting to get cradle cap (which is what his Dr recommended) He asked me to show him how much to put on him so I put a few drops on his Lucas' head and walked away to check the bath water. The next thing I know I hear "Uhhh how do you know when you've used too much?" I guess he wanted to be sure he did a good job so he added more oil and both of them were sitting there covered in oil. Lucas looked like he could have been in the movie Grease (well minus the hair) I tried shampooing his head twice and it still felt oily so that is why he has the green blanket under his head

His new blanket sleeper looks soft. Can't wait for the Christmas card pic.
he is pretty cute when he cries
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