My poor little guy has diaper rash. Before Angela moved to Arizona she gave me a brand new tube of what she said was really good diaper rash cream. I guess her son Hunter used to get really bad diaper rash. I thought that since I don't have much experince with diaper rash that I would try the stuff she gave me. Well, I've used it a few times and it wasn't working as well as what I've used before. I finally GOOGLED the cream she gave me and found out it is for diaper diaper rashes caused by yeast infections... which explains why it didn't work. So from now on we'll be sticking to the old reliable butt paste ! Now that I think about it I don't even know why I even tried the other stuff because the butt paste works wonders! It always clears up any redness between a single diaper change!
Yeah I have heard that Butt Paste works great. Never used it except for a sample.
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