It is cool to see the two most important men in my life working together. It is funny to remember how terrified Curt was of my Dad at first (not that my Dad was mean or anything it was just the standard fear of a girl's father). Curt used to tell his family "Kari's Dad was in the Army for over 20 years... he can kill me with his pinkie finger if he wanted to." Now Curt is looking forward to the next "guys trip" to rent a boat and go fishing once the weather warms up. (The first official guys trip was a few years ago to Washington D.C.)
While the guys were working hard outside on the car everyone inside got to cuddle up, enjoy the heat and take naps.
Lucas(the most important baby in my life) and Jadie

My Grandma and Tigger

Also, Curt's Mom gave me a VERY generous birthday present today! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Oh I am very glad you car is fixed.
Me, too. Love the way Lucas & the dog are looking at eachother in that picture.
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