Today Curt only had to work a half day. When he walked in the door Lucas was a little confused. I could just imagine him thinking "umm what is the Daddy doing home already? He comes home after my third nap. I've only had two naps... so either he is home early or I missed a nap!" Seriously, he just looked at Curt like he couldn't figure out what he was doing home. He got over it in a couple of minutes and figured he should take advantage of the extra Daddy time. Curt is quickly becoming Lucas' very own toy.

We have really enjoyed the warmer weather these past few days. I've been able to open the door and sit Lucas in his swing in the doorway and he is mesmerized by the outside world.

I'm very glad I had a few summer clothes in his size even though I didn't think he would be able to wear them at all because I figured it would be cold every day this winter.

It is exhausting being so cute all the time!

Me and Katie Jan 2000 at my Surprise 18th Birthday Party.
After I had Lucas safely tucked in bed and asleep I went to Starbucks to meet up with one of my best friends in the entire world. Yesterday Katie officially moved back to Savannah from Florida! I didn't believe that she was really coming until I saw her in the Starbucks parking lot!!! She also brought her little brother Robbie with her and we spent a few hours catching up and laughing. Before I headed home I went by and saw the house where she is staying with her Grandpa. She has all her stuff moved in and I guess it is true she is really back for good. She moved to Florida the night of our high school Graduation in 2000 and two summers ago she did move back here for about a month but ended up going back to Florida. This time however, is supposed to be for good! (Oh while I was at Starbucks I also ran into Brandi and her boyfriend Andrew... they are even cuter together in person! I think Brandi lives at Starbucks because she always seems to be there!!! I approve of Andrew... when she introduced us he stood up from the table and shook my hand) .
very observant anonymous... my suprise party was at my friend Jack's house who was 21 that is why he had S7 there not for us... but because he was of age.
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