I bought the greatest invention for babies/parents in the world last night, The Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder! "The Fresh Food Feeder allows baby to enjoy the great flavor, nutrition and goodness of whole food - while reducing the risk of choking. It is simple and ease to use: place food in mesh bag, and snap shut to secure."

I've seen Lisa use these with my nephews and thought they were cool but I didn't realize how amazing they were until I gave Lucas one. Even without any food in it he loved chewing on it! I placed a few frozen blueberries in it and WOW he was so happy for about 30 minutes. Of course next time I think I'll give him blueberries when he isn't wearing any clothes. I was amazed how that kid got the blueberries all over him! He would get so excited as he brought it to his mouth each time that he would smack himself with it in the face. This didn't phase him at all. He just kept on munching happily! (See Video Here)Also, tonight we went to dinner with my parents and we put a banana in it which he also loved. I guess we better start keeping more fresh fruits on hand.

So if you can't tell I'm in a better mood since my last post. Curt picked up his paycheck today and it was in a money order so everything was fine with that! As far as the Tracker goes, it turns out that it was our power steering pump that went out. My Dad explained a couple times how that made the rest of the car shut off and I understand what happened, but not enough to explain it to everyone on here. My car is now parked safely in my parents driveway. Tomorrow Curt and my Dad are going to replace the power steering pump. Also even better news is that my cousin Lance's mom (Lance was adopted into our family by my Aunt Karen and Uncle Oggie) is out of her coma! They were going to take her off life support because she wasn't showing any brain activity when she started blinking her eyes and responding!!!
1 comment:
How cute. Jessica never really got into using hers, but I didn't try it very often either. Glad he's enjoying all those fruits. Didn't know about your cousin's mom, but I'm glad she's doing better.
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