Curt made dinner tonight and pretty much took care of Lucas all night... (he must feel bad he got me sick... AGAIN!) Seriously though Curt is a good Dad and he is always willing to help out but tonight was different. I ran to Wal-mart after I put Lucas to bed. When I got home Lucas was just sitting on the couch playing with his Dad... it was cute. I put Lucas back to bed and Curt was all excited "Lucas and I hung out all night tonight, it was the coolest thing!"

Today I just decided to try and relax and feed my kid and just not even think about him being reweighed on Wensday. I fed Lucas his solids 3 times a day and gave him his formula and I don't know if it is possible but he just seemed like an even happier baby! I don't know if it was because he was happily stuffed (he obviously got plenty to eat today because he kept spitting it up everywhere while smiling) or if he was happy because I wasn't as sad, frustrated, or obsessive. I realized that my problem is I have this idea of how I'm supposed to be this "perfect mom" and it is just that... an idea. I am finally realizing what everyone is telling me... that it is okay that he is getting a little formula.

Now that I am emotionally feeling better I hope I feel better physically before Saturday (so far it is just another nasty cold... I blame Michael for getting us sick at the birthday party last weekend). My friend Shannon is having a "girl's only" slumber party that I've been looking forward to for a month (I'm not going to stay the night) and Lucas is going to be the only guy there!
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