Lucas has this thing with his tooth brush... He will chew on it ALL day long. Hopefully it is a sign of good future dental health. I'm sure he'll be like almost every other kid I know though and will HATE brushing his teeth when he is older.
Saturday evening it ended up pouring!!! The roof held up though and so far so good, no more leaks!!!! Since the rain was coming down so hard (my Dad saw hail on his way home) we waited until the rain settled down a little and headed to my parents for dinner. Since it was so late when we headed over there Curt didn't go with us like we had planned but went ahead and headed to his Grandfather's house.

We ended up staying home and just relaxing all day today. Lucas played with his new Peter Rabbit while I read him the story (Thanks Lori and Tony for the book and the matching bunny!) Today I realized Lucas is slowly collecting rabbit/bunny books and toys. There is a bunny that sits on his dresser that his Grandma got him, then there is Guess How Much I love you book that he got from Lisa, He has the Pat the Bunny book with a matching rabbit, an Old Navy Bunny Rattle, and now the Tale of Peter Rabbit book and Toy. The whole rabbit/bunny thing is funny because my favorite stuffed animal growing up was a Blue bunny that I won when I was about 8 at some military function while my Dad was serving in Desert Storm. I used to sleep with it every night. My sister was also VERY attached to a stuffed Rabbit when she was little.
I guess he doesn't need a rabbit in his basket this year! Unless he really is going to collect them. Maybe a cute duck or something.
I had already bought him a rabbit... and a chick for his basket a few weeks ago before I realized how many bunnies he had
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