Tomorrow is Lucas' appointment at the Children's Hospital. I haven't been worried about it in the least... until today. Lucas' top teeth have been bothering him today and at lunchtime he didn't want to nurse or eat... not even Cheerios. I can just picture how tomorrow will go with me trying to feed him with all these people watching our every move and him refusing to eat... lovely!
Dinner time was a little better and by that time he had to be starving so he couldn't help but chow down on spanish rice, black beans, grilled chicken, and chunks of avocado (with a side of Cheerios of course!) So hopefully he will be all ready to eat in the morning and my hands won't be shaking from nervousness and I won't drop his food all over the place. Instead I am hoping that they can see how unnecessary this whole referral was in the first place and that there is nothing wrong with our messy little eater.
No matter what happens at his appointment afterwards we have a meet-up with my Mommy group so we have something to look forward to. We are meeting for a book reading and then will all chat over coffee or lunch somewhere. I'm so glad I found these ladies. I can't believe I was so nervous to meet them!!!
I am certain that everything tomorrow will be just fine. I mean, worst case scenario he's a bit fussy - they're PROFESSIONALS! They ought to know that babies... well, babies get fussy, right???
And if they don't, then they're big poo heads and you should just take your toys and go home, 'cause who needs that kinda pressure? Honestly.
I'll be sending big happy vibes in your general direction, though... you know, just in case ;)
Mmmm that dinner sounds yummy. Hope after tomorrow things with his eating and all the worries can be settled.
Ean and I are rooting for you, hey- just starve him before hand... haha just kidding. You may give him a little tylenol or something for his teeth before though, in case they are bothering him. Just a thought!!
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