Today you have two firsts. You got your very first sun burn (I hope it is your last) and you wore shoes all day long!

This morning as we were headed off for our playgroup park picnic I noticed that the ground was a little wet and muddy from the rain this week. As I was about to buckle you in the car I saw the little blue tennis shoes in the back of the car. I bought the shows at least a month ago since they were on clearance and I knew that you would grow into them soon. I have actually thought about returning them several times since you are a barefoot baby and you already have a pair of cute shoes you got for your birthday. I decided to put them on anyway and see what you would do. I thought you would scream or try to rip them off of your feet. Instead you calmly watched me put them out and just stared at them.

When we got to the park you played for a little bit but I decided it would be a good idea to feed you before you played. You sat in your stroller under the shade of these big trees while you ate your lunch. You could care less about your food because you were too busy checking out all the other kids.

You climbed all over the jungle gym. You LOVE being outside. Today you didn't even mind the grass. (I think it was because your shoes kept the grass from touching your feet) The only thing you didn't like about being outside was the fact that I kept following around you trying to put your hat on to protect you from the sun. The second I would get your hat on you would pluck it from the top of your head and throw it as hard as you could. A few times I even caught you running your hands over your head to make sure I didn't sneak it on your head with out you realizing it. So you were giving yourself wild hairstyles all day. When we got home I noticed your cheeks were a little sunburned. Next time I will put sunscreen on you and not just rely on the hat that you won't wear. When I finally took your shoes off today you sat there and tried to put them back on yourself.

It is always fun watching you interacting with the other kids. You will share your food all day long with Jadie but that is where your sharing abilities stop.

You will even snatch toys from other kids. I know this is a "normal" thing and you are a little young to understand the whole concept of sharing toys but I still hope that you don't grow up to be a little bully.

We also discovered your taste for spicy foods today. I made this Mexican rice dish that is a little spicy because it has red pepper flakes and jalapenos in it. I gave you the smallest amount just to try. You gobbled that up so fast that I was racing to get you more. I bet before I know it you'll be sharing the bottle of hot sauce with your Dad (he dumps hot sauce on just about everything.)

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back, (and no you aren't weaned from your Paci)
Woo! Lucas is braver than I am in the spicy food department! Now I feel like a wimp.
I'm sure he won't grow up to be a little bully - his momma wouldn't stand for that!!
Very cute pictures and post. WOW how time flies.
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