Also, I'm glad that Lucas is starting to grow hair but I'm not sure how I feel about the baby mullet that seems to be forming on his head.

I didn't get any pictures of Lucas standing up today but my Mom did get to see him stand up in the middle of her bed which was pretty cool.
Little do you know what you are in for with the pens....you should find them now and throw them away..it dosen't matter where you hide them he will find them...if you take Kaliegh and Hunter's cloths off they are tatooed from head to toe.
You should be happy that he's expressing his creative side... on his face lol
For some reason when I was about 6, and already understood what markers and pens were/did, I let my sister draw a cat face on me with permanent marker. PERMANENT MARKER. My mom was so impressed. I still don't know what I was thinking.
Just be grateful Lucas doesn't have any siblings (yet) to help him with his artistic ink endeavors ;)
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