After breakfast this morning I gave Lucas a bath and changed him out of his two day old Pajamas and we headed down to the Third Annual Savannah Children's Book Festival. We almost didn't go because we are bums on Saturday Mornings and never seem to leave the house. Fortunately, Lini asked us to go and I knew Lucas wouldn't want to miss a chance to hang out with sweet Hannah AND get FREE things like books and a toddler sized Apron. Lucas and I had so much fun we stayed from 11:30 - 3:00. We also ran into a few of our other friends from our playgroup. I can't wait to take Lucas back next year when he knows who all the book characters are and take his picture with them.
Lucas and Hannah listening to Alyssa Capucilli talk about and read her Biscuit books
The kids (by that I mean Lini and I) made crowns at one of the booths
Queen Hannah Banana
Lucas loved his crown and kept taking it off and putting it back on by himself (obviously)
Playing after lunch in the park
Kicking back and listening to....
Ella Jenkins She was awesome! She told stories, played the harmonica, did call and response and just captivated everyone. You can tell she loved children. When a little toddler crawled up to the stage to see her Ms. Jenkins invited the girl (and her mom) on stage and gave them a tambourine to play along with her.

Lucas and his FREE Home Depot apron
Lucas had such a good time listening to all the music and stories today that I put in his Silly Songs DVD to see what he would do and he started dancing right away. He wasn't interested in the cartoon part just in the music. He spent the rest of the night before bed dancing while he played around the house.
Dance Lucas dance!He is so cute!
I love the picture of Lucas' crown-replacement attempt - WHAT A CUTIE!
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