After I gave Lucas breakfast I sat on the couch to let him play for a while before we headed to my parents house to stay with my Grandma. Somehow I feel asleep for a few minutes. I woke up to a giggling toddler standing in front of me and as I looked around the house I realized he had managed to TRASH it. He opened and pulled out all of his clothes from his drawers, found a box of trivial pursuit cards and opened them and dumped the whole box in the floor. Spread his toys ALL over the house, and managed to get this mysterious red liquid all over his clothes(I'm guessing he found a piece of lost Halloween candy since it looked a little like candy colored baby drool), and spray Curt's Nautica Cologne on himself. I was very happy that I had recently moved our kitchen trashcan to a baby proofed location or I'm sure he would have spread trash all over the place too. I felt guilty for falling asleep like that especially after finishing that book about becoming a better mom. If I had been a babysitter or a nanny watching Lucas I would have fired myself! I'm also very thankful that we have done such a good job baby proofing and he didn't hurt himself.

On the way to stay with my Grandma's I was not looking forward to spending the day there because I was so tired. It is usually difficult to try and take care of her and Lucas at the same time when I've had a full nights sleep. On the way there I just started to pray asking for patience and strength. When I pulled in the drive way I took a deep breath and walked in. I actually ended up having the best day ever watching my Grandma today. Everything went so smoothly. She didn't get frustrated or cry like she usually does because she can't move around that great by herself. Lucas didn't get into everything just played by himself when I had to cook meals. My Grandma rode her exercise bike for 20 minutes and we were all in good moods. Even when I put Lucas down for a nap and he didn't want to take one he just quietly planned in his pack-&-play for an hour.
When I got home I was in a good mood (despite my lack of sleep and trashed house.) Curt offered to go pick up dinner and Lucas was so tired from not having a nap all day he went to bed around 5PM and I was able to eat dinner with Curt and take a nap. I really think praying today made all the difference. While I don't think God magically made my day go smooth I think it just changed my mood about the situation and by me being positive it just rubbed off on the rest of my day.
*High of 78 Degrees
I'm glad you had a great day. Sometimes all we need is one to remind us that they're still possible.
Too much partying makes for a sleepy mommy. I was pooped, too, and Sydney didn't take a nap. Sheesh!
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