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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dear Lucas (27 Months),

Living with a toddler is never a boring thing. Today I tried to remember what my life was like before you were born I think it was a lot more boring and sleep filled. Today we went to a friend's Halloween party and I had to be sneaky at getting you to wear some kind of costume. While you were watching TV I told you I was going to get you dressed to go to a party. I didn't say anything about a costume just that I needed to put your clothes on. When I asked you if you wanted to put makeup on you very enthusiastically said "YES!" While I was drawing triangles around your eyes you called out to your Daddy, "Look Daddy! I'm pretty!" I can't wait to retell that story in a few years. After this year we are going to have to retire your pumpkin costume. I love that you also wore it for your first Halloween and for a little while on your second Halloween.

You are still a really good eater but certainly have your strange food habits as well. Every morning as soon as I open your bedroom door you ask for a "ban-a" and we have to immediately go and get a banana right at that minute or else the world might end (or at least you certainly think so.) Then a few minutes later you either want a waffle, eggs, or oatmeal. You will eat the same thing over and over but you will NOT eat left overs. I don't know how you know when something is a leftover as opposed to the same thing just made fresh but you do. I guess you are smart enough to figure out if I magically offer you warm spaghetti after only 30 seconds you know I just reheated last nights dinner.

One of your favorite foods right now is tacos... which is pretty much anything in a tortilla. You also LOVE english muffin pizzas and would eat them day in and day out if we let you. You still love butter (peanut butter), cados (avocados) and any kind of bean. You are always begging for ice cream (which is what you call yogurt) and you love apple sauce and apple juice but still hate fresh apples. You will always happily eat what we are eating for dinner minus your veggies. The only veggies you love are tomatoes (okay technically a fruit), baby lima beans, corn, and the previous mentioned avocados. You especially hate green beans, broccoli, and spinach (which you used to love.)

You love playing with "boy toys" like balls, swords, and cars but you will also pretend to take care of your lone baby doll. You love any kind of art project and you still love to help me cook. You don't know your alphabet yet but you know how to count from 5-7 and you know several of your shapes and not just circle and square but also rectangle, oval and diamond. You are constantly pointing out what everyday things are certain shapes. You also love learning about animals and what sounds they make and where they live. In this last week you have started to sing the words to the songs you hear all the time. Your newest obsession is the show The Wiggles. I think you like them because they sing and dance and there is a pirate, a dog, and a dinosaur in the cast. What could be better then that?

You are certainly at the whole testing the limits phase. You haven't met a rule yet that wasn't met to break. Your bedroom walls are covered with murals (turns out washable doesn't always mean will come off wallpaper easily.) Turns out no matter how high something is put up on a shelf in your room you will find away to reach it. You new favorite thing is to figure out what toys you can use to create stepping stools to reach things you aren't suppose to have. Some days it feels like you spend more time in "time out" then you do out of it. Sometimes if the middle of one of your tantrums your Dad and I will turn to each other and say "Hey, let's have another kid!" and then we will both laugh hysterically because there really are crazy people out there that go on and have second and even third children and some of them even go through this whole toddler phase again on purpose!

Bedtime makes up for all the tantrums during the day and I don't mean because you are in bed. No matter how grumpy you have been during the day you always turn into a snugly sweet little guy just in time to read stories before bed. You love books so much I can't even count the amount of times we have read each one. You also know what is going to happen in them because sometimes during the day I will overhear you "reading" books to your toys and you are putting exactly what happens into your own words. You will also request certain books like Snuggle Puppy, The Bunnies (Guess How Much I Love You, which we have two copies of), and Bob and Larry (Bob and Larry's ABCs.) When we go to story time we check out a few books each week to make sure we are getting to read new books too. For Christmas I am sure we will be getting you lots of new books (which has a lot to do with how much you love them but also a lot to do with all the toy recalls lately.)

We've been doing a much better job at remembering to do bedtime prayers. You are so cute with your folded hands. I always ask for "Lucas to have a good night-night, for Daddy to have a good day at work and for Mommy to have even more patience tomorrow." You always repeat "Amen" after kisses from me and Daddy (who tucks your blanket in around you) you will usually roll over and go to bed.

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,


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