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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now What?

I plan on going to work when Lucas starts school but I have no clue what career path I want to take. Lucas is growing up so fast and before I know it he is going to be in school and I'm going to be standing there going "now what?!?!?!?"

One of my friends has recently started their own business as a career coach. I am currently working with her to try and discover what I want to be "when I grow up." So far I am really enjoying it. I am assigned "homework" and right now I am working on the hardest assignment so far. I have to describe what my ideal day would look like if I could do any career that I want. I know it might not sound like a hard task but living in a realistic adult world as a married person with a child has really hampered my childhood dreamer side. I can list a tons of "dream jobs" but the hard part is picking one and trying to figure out what my life would look like if I had one of those jobs.

So while I am procrastinating finishing my assignment, what are some of your dream jobs?


Stacey said...

I would either be a Nutritional Healer, a horseback riding instructor, or a lifetime student. Maybe all 3. I NEED A CAREER ADVISOR TOO!

Kirsten said...

I would love to be a back up singer for Meat Loaf. I would also like to drive one of the carriages downtown. I would love to act on stage for a living. I would like to be able to make jewelry all day. I can also see myself as being a personal shopper. Or even a buyer. I don't know what a buyer technically does, but I like buying things. Pretty, nice things.