Thursday afternoon Curt has his followup appointment with the orthopedic specialist and SHOULD be released back to work. He has been home since February 25Th. When his back injury first happened we were both worried about what was going to happen health wise and financially. Looking back however, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to us!
Right before his back gave out we were having a pretty rough time marriage wise. It wasn't anything that was anyone's fault (no abuse, no infidelity or anything like that.) We had just forgotten to squeeze in our couple time in between being Mommy and Daddy 24/7. There was one point that I honestly thought that we might separate. We ended up working things out of course but there were still some unresolved hurt feelings on both sides.
When Curt hurt his back he couldn't do ANYTHING for himself. I was suddenly left with ALL the chores, ALL the cleaning, ALL the caring for Lucas. Curt got a real appreciation for everything I do behind the scenes while he was at work and I got an appreciation of everything he really does at home.
For a while there we were really worried that Curt would have to have surgery on his back but after a lot of prayers it turned out he wouldn't need surgery but had to go to physical therapy. The DRs and PTs gave Curt a wake up call. He started exercising, watching what he ate, and paying attention to portion sizes. We now try to exercise together as a family AT LEAST once a week and Curt exercises at least 30 minutes a day on his own. We started turned the TV off and spending more quality time together as a family.
Looking back God really did work things out for good, even though at the time I didn't understand the why or how.
It is so good that everything is working out ok, it is amazing how things happen when you are trying to trust God and let go of control in your own life.
God works in mysterious ways. It's very good to hear that things are going better for you guys.
I'm really happy to hear that things worked out so nicely. I know it's really hard to "let go and let God." I'm glad you shared this story. The next time I feel like things are really messy I'll think back on this and remember that God will pull me through to better things.
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