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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lucas' First Camping Trip

This weekend we took Lucas camping for the very first time. Curt decided a few weeks ago to plan a camping trip to get away for the weekend. We spent the last two weeks buying camping gear and planning our trip with Curt's sisters Sam and Angela. Honestly, I wasn't really looking forward to the trip at first. I'm not a fan on being hot and getting eaten up by bugs. Since Curt was making an effort to plan something nice for our family to do I sucked it up, kept my mouth shut and went along with it. I ended up having a blast and now I can't wait until our next camping trip!

Lucas had a lot of fun too and he didn't really want to leave. I was trying to get him excited about going home and telling him all the great stuff he would be able to do (play with his toys, sleep in his own bed, watch cartoons, play with Jadie) When I ran out of things rattling off the pluses about going home Lucas added "take a bath in my bathtub" and Curt and I could NOT stop laughing! The only thing he hated about camping was having to take a shower instead of a bath. For whatever reason Lucas is afraid of the shower and even worries when Curt and I shower. He will come in and say "Get out! The shower is hurting you!!!"

Now that we are home and Lucas has taken a very LOOOOONG bath he wants to go back camping. He keeps asking to roast more marshmallows, go fishing, and play with his cousins.

I think camping is going to be our family's "thing" that we do together. We are already starting to plan our next trip. I really want to go camping at a beach somewhere. Curt has told me that for presents for our anniversary, his birthday, and Christmas he wants camping gear. I guess with Father's Day right around the corner Lucas and I better start shopping.

More pictures HERE


Anonymous said...

That's so funny! I remember when I was little I didn't like to shower either because I was super scared of getting shampoo in my eyes! The day it finally dawned on me that if I just keep my eyes CLOSED SHUT and it wouldn't hurt was a very enlightening day. =P

Glad Lucas enjoyed the trip! He's so cute!

Kirsten said...

I'm glad y'all had a good time! We missed you Friday night!