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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pass That Mom of the Year Award this Way

Tonight on the way home from dinner at Curt's Grandma's house, Curt and I were having a disagreement over something silly. I was getting frustrated with Curt for not seeing my point of view and said something like "sometimes you are such a butt head!"

From the backseat we heard a very loud "DADDY! STOP BEING A BUTT HEAD!" I know Lucas saying butt head isn't in the end of the world but I would hate if it became part of his vocabulary! I grew up in a house where my mom would get on to you if you said the word "butt," (it was a bottom.) In our house the show Beavis and Butt-Head (which we weren't allowed to watch) was renamed "Beavis and his friend."

I am ALWAYS getting onto Curt to watch what he says in front of Lucas. I hate to admit it but so far all the "bad things" that Lucas has repeated have all been copied from me.


Kirsten said...

If "butthead" is the worst of his vocab words, then you're doing a good job.

My coworker has a little girl who's said much worse.

You're not a person to use profane or vulgar language. Lucas will follow suit.

I don't know how you don't laugh when Lucas says things. I was always such a bad influence on my nephews when they got in trouble. I would laugh and they would keep doing or saying whatever naughty thing they had come up with.

You really do deserve a mother of the year award. You're an awesome mom! I hope if I ever have an accident that I can be half the mom you are. :)

K A R I™ said...

Oh and Curt and I BOTH cracked up at the Butthead thing. He just couldn't see out faces.

Unknown said...

LOL at "Beavis and his friend."

Liz said...

OMG that Beavis and his friend thing made us laugh so hard!!! Your mom IS so funny!!! Classic Valerie!