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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Super Why

If you have toddler or preschool age kids, chances are you know about the PBS show Super Why. (Unless you are my husband who is clueless about the show.) Lucas adores the show and is always talking about it.

The following conversation happened in our house last night:

L: Mommy I'm Alpha pig, you princess, and Daddy, you Super Why

C: Lucas that is mean and you shouldn't say things like that

Me: What in the world are you talking about. He called you a Super Hero

L: Daddy you are Super Why!

C: Where did he learn that?

Me: What are you talking about? It's from a show he watches on PBS.

C: Well maybe he shouldn't watch it.

Me: Why?

C: It's not nice to call people "Super Wide"

Lucas: Daddy you are SUPER WHY!

Me: LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY AND UNCONTROLLABLY (I eventually calmed down enough so I could explain to Curt that Super Why was a Super Hero on Lucas' favorite show and not a critique on Curt's size.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha! I too have to watch that show every morning with Reagan, she loves it.. It makes her feel like such a smartie!.. I wish I was there for that conversation.. Poor Curt!! Hahaha!

Kirsten said...

How funny! Poor Curt. At least now he realizes that he's a super hero and not "super wide!"

Lini said...

I love this story!

MCV said...

Leo loves this show on the PBSkids.org website. And he tells me he is super why. lol.

Kids are so funny.