The following conversation happened in our house last night:
L: Mommy I'm Alpha pig, you princess, and Daddy, you Super Why
C: Lucas that is mean and you shouldn't say things like that
Me: What in the world are you talking about. He called you a Super Hero
L: Daddy you are Super Why!
C: Where did he learn that?
Me: What are you talking about? It's from a show he watches on PBS.
C: Well maybe he shouldn't watch it.
Me: Why?
C: It's not nice to call people "Super Wide"
Lucas: Daddy you are SUPER WHY!
Me: LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY AND UNCONTROLLABLY (I eventually calmed down enough so I could explain to Curt that Super Why was a Super Hero on Lucas' favorite show and not a critique on Curt's size.
Hahahahahaha! I too have to watch that show every morning with Reagan, she loves it.. It makes her feel like such a smartie!.. I wish I was there for that conversation.. Poor Curt!! Hahaha!
How funny! Poor Curt. At least now he realizes that he's a super hero and not "super wide!"
I love this story!
Leo loves this show on the PBSkids.org website. And he tells me he is super why. lol.
Kids are so funny.
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