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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Taking it One Day at a Time

It's day two and a tiny part of me is already over this "lifestyle change," but I've heard it takes 30 days to make a new habit stick so I'm not giving up yet. Last night I signed up for My Fitness Pal, a free online site that keeps track of calories eaten and calories burned. It is making me think about every little thing I put in my mouth (which is something I've never really done before, even when I used to go to the gym on a regular basis.) I've eaten more fruit in the last two days then I have eaten in the last two months.

While I am trying to take it one day at a time I am already worrying about several dates this month. Friday is the 4th of July, Saturday I'm going to a wedding. Then the following weekend we are going to a family reunion with FRIED CHICKEN (my mouth is already watering.) Then later in the month is Lucas' birthday... and we are having 2 parties for him (one with family and one with his playgroup.) Hopefully, by starting being aware of the nutritional value in what I am eating will help me grasp the whole potion control thing that I've never really been aware of before.

I am also obsessing over what we will eat every night at dinner. I'm trying to steer clear of prepacked things and trying to find healthier recipes for dinner but I'm having a hard time finding new things to try. Looking in cookbooks is torture (oh and I never realized how many commercials for pizza and fast food come on TV!!!) So does anyone have any favorite healthy recipes they would like to share?!?!

I've been going back and forth on deciding if I want to join a gym again or not. I was at Curves for a year and LOVED it (at least for the first 6 months when I had a work-out buddy but not so much the last 6 months when I had to keep paying $30 even though I wasn't going.) Then I joined the YMCA and I can count on one hand the amount of times I went there. I just don't want to waste the time or money or something I may or may not do. The plan for now is to find ways out of the gym to exercise.

Today my sister-in-law Angela invited Lucas and I over to her house to swim. Usually we just watch the kids swim while we talk but today we decided to get in with them. Without realizing it we spent two hours swimming and the pool and playing with the kids. It was the most fun I've had exercising in a long time. I think I need to plan more activities like that where I can exercise and have fun instead of feeling like I am torturing myself.


Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to go swim soooo much lately. Maybe we can meet at mom and dad's more often to swim.

Charity said...

I try and walk in the morning time.. If you every want to meet somewhere, like Tom Tripplet to walk I'm game for it!

Anonymous said...

FYI....read your comment about Curves...I also was a member a few years back for about a year or so, I finally left since I didn't think it was enough of a workout for me BUT, I just re-joined because of the NEW Curves SMART....I HIGHLY recommend it, it is an awesome workout that is structured just to you and your ability, and the system challenges you with a different workout every few days; I'm burning 550 to 600 calories a workout there. Check it out on their website- you will not be sorry. I'm so impressed with it and the way it has changed my body. Good Luck!!

Kirsten said...

Congratulations for sticking with it on day two! I know the first few days are the hardest.

I know I need to get back on track (in a huge way-pun intended) and you are inspiring me! I think i will wait until after tomorrow and the wedding on Saturday, but come Sunday, I'm going to start South Beach Phase 1. I've done it before and had success. My problem has always been sticking with it. Maybe I should write about it on my blog so I'll be held accountable by others and not just myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady,
I used to weigh almost 200 lbs and the way I lost it was walking then running and in stead of not eating the things I love (pizza, etc..) I ate 1/2 of what I used to eat. I pretty much cut all of my usual portions in HALF!!! Also, if you need a work out buddy for walking or something let me know I need to start doing something to get this baby weight off.

Anonymous said...

oops..my last post didn't publish who I am...it's Becky

Lini said...

When I'm done watching Dominik we could make walking at Tom Triplett park a regular thing again...