This weekend we rented "Toy Story" from Netflix and Lucas became instantly OBSESSED! So much so he spent this morning running around in his Super Hero cape and Buzz Light Year undies (hand-me-downs from his cousin, and no he isn't potty trained) saying "to infinity and a yawn!"
Tonight something in his head clicked and he realized that the Buzz Light Year Costume and the Woody Cowboy costume that he got for Christmas were from Toy Story and he spent the rest of tonight prancing around saying, "You're my favorite deputy." Tomorrow I plan on returning "Toy Story" in the mail. I know this is going to cause a major melt down but hopefully it won't be that bad since "Toy Story 2" is supposed to be here tomorrow as well.
Reagan LOVES Toy Story too! But so does her Daddy! "To Infinity and Beyond!"..
Oh.. and we have them both if you ever want to make a copy... Toy Story 3 is coming in 2010!
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