It is a new year and I'm another year older (at least according to some people.) I had a really nice laid back birthday. It started a little after midnight when I met my friend Priscilla for coffee. Since I went to bed so late Curt let me sleep in and he got up with Lucas. Curt and Lucas baked me cupcakes and then we were off to my parents house for lunch.
I love when my whole family gets together so I couldn't think of a better way then spending my birthday with my parents, my Grandma, my siblings, and my nephews. We just ate lunch, had cake, and hung out for a few hours. Then when my sister's husband got off work we left our kids with Grandma and Papa and we went out to dinner with out any crying babies or crazy toddlers and that was very nice too.
Friday even though my birthday was over I still got the birthday girl treatment. Curt let me sleep in again and then we just laid around the house all day in our PJ's. I did actually cook a meal and we had our collard greens, cornbread, and black eyed peas (along with ham and mac & cheese.)
Around 5PM I started to get a little bored of staying in my pajamas and headed to BOTH malls alone! I love shopping by myself for myself! I had 2 gift certificates to stores from the stores for my birthday and I ended up going home with 4 shirts and a pair of earrings for $1.12!!! Just when I thought the day couldn't possibly get any better my friend Katie called me and told me she wanted to take me out to dinner. I went home to take a shower and change and then I was off again for dinner, drinks, and dessert.
This morning Lucas decided to sleep in so for the third day in the row I got to sleep in and it was NICE! We spent the day just hanging out at home. I got some cleaning done and Lucas spent quite a bit of time in his Sandbox (the one that only took me 6 months to fill up with sand.) Then we made dinner together, bathed Lucas, read stories, and off to bed he went without any struggle. Not a bad way to kick off a new year.
1 comment:
It was so much fun to go to dinner with y'all! I can't wait to hang out again!
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