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Monday, September 27, 2010

In Honor of Banned Book Week

During my senior year at Windsor Forest High School, a parent tried to ban books that were part of our summer reading for my AP English Class. The parent wanted books and movies pulled from classes from both Advanced and AP Junior and Senior classes. He didn't read any of the books himself but flipped through them and saw they had bad words in them. After an article appeared in "Creative Loafing" railing against my teachers I wrote a letter to the editor saying that they should talk to the kids and teachers involved. A reporter at Savannah Morning News saw my letter and called me and interviewed me for a story about the banning. When the community caught wind of the story there were school board meetings and the community united against the banning and the books were added back into our curriculum. The news articles are still available online (except for Creative Loafing)
A few months after the book ban was over we were invited to attend a lecture at AASU. When it was publicized that the book ban would be spoofed at the lecture the field trip was canceled. A few of us decided to still go and so we signed out of school for various reasons and attended anyway (with permission from our parents.) Before the lecture, we got our picture snapped with a fake protester for our teachers who were not allowed to be there.

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