Lucas is his same old good natured self when it comes to going to bed and staying asleep. From the moment we got home he realized where we are and was happy to be home and everything is going nicely... except now he is on California time. He got up a little before noon today, took his nap from 2-5 , and just went to bed at 11 PM. I'm not quite sure how to slowly get him back on GA time. So far it hasn't been a problem since I'm still off schedule too and I'm not complaining about sleeping in after 11 AM for the first time in over 10 months... but I think we need to start making up the three hour time difference.
I'm really over Lucas having teeth. Lately he has been biting his own lip somehow. Every once in a while he will have blood on his lips and currently his "blanket person" has drops of blood all over it. (I'm switching that one out for the backup in the morning) It isn't just himself that he is biting... it is me too!!!! In the middle of him nursing he will look up at me and get this twinkle in his eye and then clamp down. Everything I've read suggests pulling him off and telling him "no" and then basically explaining to him that biting is "not nice." Yeah... like that works... so at this point after everything I have put up with so far to get him to this point I refuse to give up but I've made up my mind that I'm not nursing after a year (I realize there are two groups of you reading this right now... one is thinking... Nursing after a year is crazy talk... and then the other group is saying... Doesn't she know the benefits of extended Breastfeeding?) So I have decided that in one month and 15 days I am reclaiming my boobs!
So far Lucas has two appointments set for the next couple of weeks at the Backus Children's hospital. His first is June 21st at 9 in the morning for a feeding evaluation. They are going to watch him eat! Serious... anyone that has seen Lucas eat knows he doesn't have a problem eating. I didn't realize this was going to be part of the referrals they were making. I know this is going to be a waste of time but whatever. He also has a second appointment July 7th but I'm not sure what that is for yet (they talked to Curt while I was gone and I'm supposed to call them back tomorrow) I am guessing it is for his "inability to crawl or stand." (see above picture) Sure maybe these things were a concern at 9 months when they were originally supposed to make these referrals but now??? Yes, I have told them he can crawl now and I've always told them he could stand when he wanted to... but hey, I'm just his mother, what do I know? :)
Doctors are poo-heads. You'll do fine, they'll all realize how incredible the wee-one is and they'll go home feeling dumb for not listening to the momma when they should have to begin with.
Also, you could try just slowly adjusting schedule? Like one half-hour at a time for a few days? It'll take you a week or so but hey! you'll be back on schedule!
As for the breastfeeding thing... um... last anyone checked their YOUR boobs... and it's YOUR baby, right??? I mean... just sayin' is all ;) Who cares what those who don't have your boobs or your baby say, right? Too many haters out there lol
Hang in there Kari. I saw him eat and I don't see a problem at all. It will be like Grandma. Everything will resolve itself before the referrals are done and the doctors see him. You have a sweet little boy there. We sure enjoyed your visit.
I never had any biters. I think Colby may have a few times. I heard about this from some friends but I can't remember exactly what they did. Hope it gets better.
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