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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lucas First Birthday Party

I'm glad Lucas' party and birthday didn't fall on the same day. If they were I would have likely cried a few times during his party. I have a few more days of babyhood to enjoy. Today turned out even better then I ever expected. We were blessed to be able to celebrate Lucas' first year with our family and friends. It was also really cool to see Curt hanging out with his brothers Michael and David and his sister Sam. Lucas also had two grandmas, two great grandmas, a grandpa, and a great-grandpa there to celebrate with him.

This is my attempt at making this cake. At first I thought about ordering Lucas' birthday cake but there is just something so perfect about an imperfect homemade cake. Lori and I had a lot of fun the night before drawing bathing suits on the teddy grahams with icing.

Lucas with my best friend Katie. That hat only stayed on him for about three more seconds.

Crystal and her son Nick

Cool dudes (and Lucas' cousins) Colby and Shane.

Lucas playing in the pool with his cousin Kaliegh (who is visiting all the way from Arizona)

During the Happy Birthday Song

A video of Lucas playing with his cake

Lucas wasn't a fan of the sweetness of his cake... or being sticky

Checking out his presents with Grandma Andrea, and his cousins Kaliegh and Steven.

There are more pictures here.


Anonymous said...

Awww!! Looks like you guys had an AWESOME day!! And you couldn't have asked for better weather, by the looks of it.

James and I LOVED the messy baby/cake pictures. And the floating in the pool pictures. And the family pictures. And the pictures of Nick and his Momma... and... and... okay, so we liked all the pictures.

I think the cake looks better your way than the picture's way... home made is always more perfect, I agree 110%.

Liz said...

That cake was awesome. I agree nothing like homemade. I thought those were store bought bears but then when I read it, I looked closer and those are too cool. You are great.

I am not sure what we are doing fir Ben's first yet, but now that Lucas is turning one, it is coming up quick.

Stacy said...

Great job on the cake!

The pix are awesome. What a happy birthday boy. Give him a belated birthday hug from us, please.

P said...

Wow, Kari! Your cake looked great! Very "Martha" of you. :-) And, Lucas is starting to look almost pudgy, and I mean that in the very best way! ~Pam