It was Lucas' first time facing forward in the car.

Curt drove the whole way there and back.

Not too long after we got there Curt built a fire in the new fire pit.

On Saturday we left Lucas napping at the lodge and went to see the Black Bear Exhibit. I thought it would be more like a zoo but it was sad and depressing even with the waving bears. The poor little guys were living in these square concrete areas with little tiny pools in the corner.

(Click to see the Waving Bear Video)

Lucas had a blast being outside in the fresh mountain air.

He loved watching the older kids playing.

Pure Joy!

Not a little baby anymore!

Playing with the changing leaves

Saturday night Lucas had his first big tub bath alone. He wasn't scared of the bath tub like he was a few months ago. This time he loved it!

Right before we left Sunday we took a family picture. Lucas has changed so much since last year!

Lucas has gotten bigger, but the three of you still make up one of the best looking families out there ;)
WOW since I never actually get to see you and Curt, you both look great! Curt looks so much smaller compared to last year. You are so good at posting things right away. I am glad you had fun!
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