Since Santa's elves forgot to include the screws for us to put together Lucas' kitchen, Santa just left Lucas a stocking full of goodies and neatly laid out the toy food and dishes for the kitchen.

Lucas didn't even notice that he didn't have a "big" Santa present out.

He had so much fun playing with his food.

Before we knew it there were toys all over the place.

Lucas took a break from playing to check out his new big boy cup and big bird utensils.

Then it was time to go to Grandma and Grandpa Moore's house for more presents. One of the cool gifts was another set of play food which included a PB&J on the same side of the bread. It also has an orange that opens and has orange slices inside. He has been carrying the orange around all night.

Lucas also got cool new Veggie Tale stuff from his Grandparents. He got a Christmas DVD and a new Singalong DVD and also a Christmas ornament. His favorite thing by far is his Veggie Tale School bus (which I had to tuck in bed with him tonight.)

After my parents' house it was time to go to Grandma and Grandpa Hunter's House. We had a lot of fun and Lucas got even more presents (how does a 1 year old have this many toys?!?!) Daddy gave Lucas a candy cane which is becoming quite the tradition.

We had such an amazing Christmas. We are so blessed to live so close to our family and be able to celebrate with them. I already can't wait until next year since Lucas will get to be even more involved. I know he will understand more about the Christmas Story and help bake cookies and make presents for our friends and family.
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