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Saturday, April 26, 2008

What Happens When Daddy is in Charge

This afternoon I went to a baby shower for a girl that I've known since High School. We actually played Volleyball together so it is really neat that we still have kept in touch and get to watch each other's kids grow up. It's also always fun to get out and have a little girl time and leave my guys at home.

The only problem with leaving Curt and Lucas on their own is I never know what I will find when I get home. Since Curt had a bachelor party to attend to tonight he ended up running out the door just as I was getting home. I wonder if the following pictures had anything to do with why he was so in a rush to get the "heck out of dodge."
After a two hour drag out fight with Lucas to get him to pick up his toys in the living room I decided to let the cleaning of the bedroom go until yesterday. I'm no psychic but I can see a day of bonding through lots of cleaning in store for Lucas and his Daddy tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I guess Lucas had a good day! He sure had a lot to entertain him! Yikes!