One of the first things Lucas did was to vote Yes, that the pigeon should be allowed to drive the bus (his friend voted No.)
There were all kids of storybook characters walking around. Poor Lucas doesn't even know about the "Wizard of Oz," yet.
One of Lucas' favorite stations was the one where you could build towers out of books. He liked seeing how high we could build them before he was able to blow them down like the big bad wolf.
Some of the characters that we saw we didn't recognize but that didn't stop Lucas from going up to them and giving them hugs and high fives. Now that he is finally NOT scared of people of costume characters I wish we could take him back to Disney World.
After we finished walking around we let the kids run around and go wild on the grass. They were in the middle of somersaulting when it started POURING rain. Since we were parked several blocks away, I threw Lucas in the stroller and started to run for the car. I hadn't even moved a foot when one of the strollers front wheels decided to crack and fall off.
I tried for a while to push Lucas on three wheels but it wasn't working so my friend offered to run with Lucas and her son while I took care of the stroller. They also nicely let us climb in the back of their minivan and gave us a ride to our car. Back in our car and headed home Lucas said, "Mommy, we had a rain adventure. The rain gave us a shower. Isn't that so silly?" (More Pictures on Shutterfly)
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