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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I've been picking up little things for Lucas for Christmas here and there for the last few months. We are pretty much done shopping for his gifts except for his big gift (a Scooter and Helmet) and a few books.

Here are he gifts so far (and I've gotten all of them pretty much on SUPER clearance):

  • Art box: filling it with water color set, kids safety scissors, and a small art pad. He'll still have enough room to put in his crayons and markers he already owns.
  • Number Flash Cards- They just have pictures of different things on the cards for the kids to count. I know Lucas will LOVE these. He'll turn it into a game.
  • Incredible Hulk T-Shirt (he's really into the Hulk and it was on clearance for $1)
  • Dress Up Clothes to Add to his box (pirate hat, Superman PJs, Train Costume)
  • Kid's 17 piece Baking Set (comes with real baking sheets and utensils that are kid sized)
  • Play-mat for one of Lucas' Train Sets
  • Train Station Sticker Activity Book
  • Train for Lucas' Train Set
  • Buzz Lightyear etch-a-sketch

I've only spent around $30 so far.

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