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Friday, July 24, 2009

Magic Kingdom

This time last week Lucas and I were at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World. He was so excited to be there and so well behaved. Every day since we have been home he has either begged to go back or told me that he misses Mickey. He says he wants to go back soon, but next time he wants us to take his Dad with us. Sounds good to me! We got to the park a few minutes before they opened and saw the Welcoming show.
We were able to ride several things with no wait the first hour we were there. Then we went straight to meet Mickey Mouse with barely any wait (thanks for the tip Becky)

Lucas also got the autographs of a few more Disney friends. We rode a few more rides and caught a show in front of the castle. We also watched a parade before we headed back to our hotel room to rest for a few hours (since The Magic Kingdom was open until 3AM!!)

One of the first things we did when we got to the Magic Kingdom in the morning was get Lucas a birthday button. I guess it got so hot that his name rubbed off and when we were walking through the resort to catch our bus back to the Magic Kingdom, one of the employees suggested we go to the front desk to get his name rewritten. They ended up giving him a brand new button. He was so proud of it and enjoyed everyone wishing him Happy Birthday. When everyone anyone asked if he that specific day was his birthday he would say "I'm celebrating 4!"
When we got back to the park we rode a few more rides and watched some amazing fireworks.

One of the last things we did was visit Pooh's Playful spot and Lucas had so much fun running free with other kids and getting wet in the fountains. Luckily I remembered to bring extra clothes. However, I didn't have extra shoes so I used that chance to put Lucas back in the stroller and start wrapping up our Magical day.

On the way out of the park we stopped to let Lucas pick out a pair of ears and got a quick snack before catching the bus back to our resort. I think we were in our room about 2AM.

The whole day was a lot of fun and we pretty much rode every ride in the park that Lucas was big enough for and usually with little to no wait at all. I think the most we ever waited in line was 20 minutes. My only complaint the whole day was how hot it was, but then it was the middle of July. I lost track of how much water we drank but Lucas did AWESOME with letting me know when he had to go to the bathroom. The day couldn't have been more perfect.


Anonymous said...

looks like you guys had a blast...glad you had such a great time :)

Lini said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time! We're hoping to take the girls next year - I'm sure I'll be asking you for some tips!